Studet Expectation

H. W. Lang Middle School

1678 ChenaultDallas, TX.  75228PHONE: 972-925-2400 FAX: 972-925-2401



Mrs. Karen Owens                         

7th Grade Administrator                          


MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPALWelcome to H. W. Lang Middle School--home of the Pioneers. Our staff is committed to making the 2009-2010 school year exciting and successful. We are dedicated to providing a safe campus, a well rounded challenging curriculum and opportunities for you to expand your participation in leadership, activities and sports. The teachers, administrators, and parents will work as a team to ensure your success at Lang Middle School.This handbook is designed to acquaint you with our expectations for behavior and achievement.    

THE CURRICULUMWe have a seven period day in which five periods of the day are for reading, language arts, math science and social studies. We refer to this time as “CORE” classes. These classes are required for all students:¨ English/Language Arts¨ Social Studies¨ Mathematics¨ Science¨ 2 Elective *Most students take two electives per year.  Counselors will work with you in choosing the elective that will best suit you.  Priority for selecting electives is given to eighth graders first followed by seventh and then sixth graders. 

¨ Career Investigation                                 “Cheerleading/Dance         ¨ Band or Orchestra                                      ¨ ROTC¨  Choir                                                           ¨ TAG/AVID¨ Industrial Tech                                           ¨ Computer Technology PE/Athletics                                               ¨ Keyboarding 

P.E. INFO:All students are required to dress out everyday, except those with physical disabilities or a doctor’s excuse.       

GRADES Report Cards- You will receive a report card six times per year. Report cards are mailed home at the end of the six weeks period. Parent Conferences- After the first six weeks, all parents will be invited to schedule a conference to discuss your progress. This is a very important way to communicate your strengths and areas for improvement. Of course, additional conferences may be scheduled at any time during the school year. Progress Reports- Between report cards, you will receive a potential failure report describing your need for improve. These must be signed by your parents!  Testing/Assessment- During the school year, you may be given various tests which will give students, teachers and parents important information about your abilities, achievement, and interests. Tests show the individual progress you have made AND the ways that we can improve our instructional program. Naturally, WE EXPECT YOU TO DO YOUR BEST! Honor Roll- Students who demonstrate excellence in grades and behavior will qualify for honor roll. You must have at least a B average and maintain satisfactory citizenship marks.  Students can apply for membership in to the National Junior Honor Society.  


All seventh graders are required to pass Reading and Math TAKS as well as “core” classes in order to be promoted to the next grade. If you fail one - two “core” classes you will questions be required to attend summer school. 


Lang Counselors will be available to assist both students and parents with academic.    


Respect YourselfRespect OthersRespect Property These are the simple but essential guidelines for behavior at our school.How do you respect yourself?1. Be prepared for school! Bring all necessary books, supplies, and materials for class. Come to school healthy and rested. Do your best to complete schoolwork, including  homework.2. Follow all school and classroom rules, including the DRESS CODE!3. Attend school every day! Be on time to class. (You need a watch.)4. Treat others the way that you wish to be treated: THE GOLDEN RULE! How do you show respect for others and property?1. Respect the rights, feelings, and property of others, including your peers!2. Show respect for the authority of all adults!3. Follow our expectations for behavior in the classroom, common areas, on the      Courtyard/blacktop, and in your community.4. Use appropriate, courteous language at all times (No swearing, obscene language or       inappropriate gestures).5. Stay on our campus all day. Lang Middle School is a CLOSED CAMPUS. Sexual harassment of any kind is never acceptable. If you bother or intimidate someone with your words or gestures, which are of a sexual nature, you will immediately meet with an administrator. Consequences could include suspension and lead to a police report.  

Administration, DISD Police and School Youth Action 

Campus Administrators and Youth Action Officers work closely with the DISD Police and local law enforcement personnel. When required by law, police involvement may include a student interview and parent contact. In serious incidences, police involvement may include a formal citation and/or arrest. Parents will be advised of police involvement in accordance with law and district policies. Backpacks may be searched in accordance with  

You may never bring:

 We do not allow:
 Skateboards, Roller Blades, Roller Shoes, Scooter Horseplay
 Matches, Lighters, Candles Self-tagging (writing, stickers)
 Laser Pointers Spitting
Pepper Spray Public Displays of Affection
Stink Bombs, Bomb Bags, Poppers Harassment or Bullying of any kind
Personal Stereos or Headphones Gang Activity
Imitation Weapons Graffiti or Tagging
Water or Cap Guns Throwing any objects, including food!
Electronic or Gambling Games Eating in classrooms, unless authorized by the teacher
Alcohol, Drugs, or Tobacco, Drug Paraphernalia Gum chewing
Weapons or Dangerous Objects Permanent markers


If you do not choose to follow these simple guidelines for behavior, there will be a consequence.Depending on your behavior record and the seriousness of the offense, you may receive a:_ WARNING_ TEACHER ACTION (such as calling your parents, moving your seat.)_ REFERRAL TO THE OFFICE (This goes on your record and could affect your participation in                                                               school activities!)_ MORE SERIOUS ACTION (such as detention or AEP)_ LOSS OF PRIVILEGES (such as dances, assemblies, or field trips)_ SUSPENSION FROM CLASS_ SUSPENSION FROM SCHOOL_ EXPULSION (Village Fair or JJAEP) 

Grounds for Suspension or Expulsion

Physical Injury: Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person.

Disruption: Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, other school officials, or other school personnel.

Weapons: Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object, or imitation thereof.

Controlled Substances: Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, intoxicant of any kind, drugs, drug paraphernalia, or any look a like substance.

Robbery or Extortion: Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion.

Property Damage: Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property.Theft: Stolen or attempted to steal school property or private property.

Tobacco Use: Possessed or used tobacco or any products containing tobacco or nicotine products.

Obscenity & Profanity: Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity.

Receiving Stolen Property: Knowingly received stolen school property or private property.Imitation Firearm: Possessed an imitation firearm, meaning any object as substantially similar to an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable person to conclude that the replica is a firearm.

Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment committed by a student in grades 4-12. The conduct must be considered by a reasonable person of the same gender as a victim to be sufficiently severe or pervasive to have a negative impact on the individual’s academic performance or to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive education environment.

Sexual Assault: Committed or attempted to commit sexual assault or battery.

Hate Crimes: Hate violence by a student in grades 4-12. Willfully injure, intimidate, interfere with, oppress, or to threaten that person; or deface, damage or destroy the real personal property of that person.

Harassment/Gang Activity: Harassment, threats, or intimidation of students.

Terroristic threats against the school officials, school property, or bothAiding and Abetting: aid or abet a crime of physical violence in which victim suffers great bodily injury or serious bodily injury as determined by juvenile court.  


Lang’s dress code will be strictly enforced during the 2009 – 2010 school year.  Please read the following list for appropriate attire carefully.  There will be no exceptions. 

Pants - Khaki                  

Shirts - Solid White Polo Shirts tucked in at ALL TIMES! (no color or T- shirts with writing under polo shirt)

Tennis shoes - Solid White, Black, or Gray      

**The dress code applies for all school activities. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.  


Students have 5 minutes between classes which is enough time to go to the restroom and get to class on time.  Being late to school or class DISRUPTS learning! Our policy is:

  • All students must have a Tardy Pass before entering a class after the tardy bell.
  • If you are tardy to school (1st period) more than two times per six weeks, you will be placed on parent conference.
  • If you are tardy to 2 – 7 period you will be assigned as follows:

 The Lang Tardy Center Consequences

1 –4  Warning                                                          

5 – After School Detention                               

6 – 2 After School Detention                                    

 3 After School Detention                               

8 – or more Suspended                                 

  • If you are tardy consistently to a particular class the teacher will refer student to the SST
  • Students who are kept after class by a teacher must have a note from that teacher and have it signed by an Administrator.  (Teachers can not approve tardies)


Every student is required BY LAW to attend school. Please make every effort to schedule medical and dental appointments for after school hours.  According to Texas Education Code, there are only four types of excused absences: 

EXCUSED ABSENCE1) Illness (Do you have a fever? Severe pain? Vomiting? Something very contagious?)2) Medical or dental appointment (Excused with an admittance slip from the doctor’s office)3) Funeral of a family member4) Quarantine (This means you must not be around other students because of an illness or disease.)All other absences are considered  

UNEXCUSEDFor example: Car trouble, alarm didn't go off, missed bus or carpool, traffic, electricity went out(As with tardies, even if an unexcused absence is an adult’s fault, it will be on your record, and you willhave a consequence!) 

TRUANCYWhen a student refuses to go to class or school, they are considered truant and the court will be notified. 

ABSENCE ON THE DAY OF A SCHOOL ACTIVITYIf you are absent (excused or unexcused) on the day of a school activity, dance, or athletic competition, then you may NOT attend any of these events. *Notes must be submitted within 3 days of return.  

PERMISSION TO LEAVE SCHOOLIf you must leave school during the school day (such as for a medical or dental appointment), your parent/guardian must come to the attendance office and sign you out. You may receive permission to leave school from the principal, the assistant principal, or the school secretary, however,  before leaving school, you must be signed out by your parent or someone on youremergency card. (YOU WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE SCHOOL WITH SOMEONE WHO IS NOT ON YOUR EMERGENCY CARD!)  For your protection, anyone who picks you up may be asked to show identification. When youreturn to school, you must check in with the attendance office BEFORE going to class and provide an admit slip from the doctor or dentist.  

CELL PHONES Student CAN NOT use their personal cell phones to call and have someone pick them up.  All students MUST go through the attendance office. All cell phone should remain turned off and out of sight during the school day.  They are only to be used before or after school.  Any cell phone that is turned on, or seen out during school hours will be taken up and the parent will be asked to make arrangements to personally pick it up from the office.  A fifteen dollars fee will be charged.  

MUSIC PLAYERS (IPOD MP3 Players) These items are not allowed unless specifically notified by Principal.  Any music player that is turned on, or seen out will be taken up and the parent will be asked to make arrangements to personally pick it up from the office. 


¨ Delivery Policy – The office staff is unable to deliver forgotten items, such as lunches, P.E. uniforms, homework, money, or school projects during class time. Students can stop by the office between classes, lunch, and after school to check if any items have been dropped off for them. Please remember that parents are NOT allowed to deliver forgotten items to classrooms. ¨  

Visitors - All visitors MUST sign in at the attendance office. Sorry, but for supervision and insurance reasons, student visitors (including former students) are NOT allowed, unless permission is granted by the principal. 

¨ Medicine at School- In order to take medicine at school, there must be a doctor’s medical form completed and on file in the nurses office. Then, your medication is kept there and administered by school personnel. ¨ Lost and Found- Check in the office if you have lost any item of value. However, items in the lost and found are given to charity if not claimed in a month. PLEASE WRITE YOUR NAME ON ALL YOUR POSSESSIONS AND CLOTHING, DO NOT BRING LARGE AMOUNTS OF CASH OR VALUABLE ITEMS TO SCHOOL. CARY MIDDLE SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOST OR STOLEN ITEMS. ¨  

Lunch- Lunch costs $1.25 and choices often include hamburgers, pizza, salads, sandwiches, burritos, etc. We also have an a la carte line with additional snack items for sale. Free Lunch forms are available in cafeteria if needed. 

Website- We stay in close communication with you and your parents through the 7th grade website  which contains information about school events, news, meetings, and dates to remember. We hope that you will visit our website. ¨  

Office Phone- Students are expected to make arrangements with their parents for after school activities prior to the school day. The office phone will be available for emergency use only.   


Students who do their best deserve opportunities to have fun and learn new things. We have many activities for you to enjoy! Many of these activities have deadlines beyond which money and permission slips can NOT be accepted. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of these deadlines. 

After School Sports- If you try out and make the team, there is an athletic fee. To play, you must have a C average and no referrals. We offer the following competitive sports: Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Softball, Baseball and Track and Field. All students on teams MUST have either private or school insurance. If you have any questions regarding the after school sports program, please contact our athletic director. 

Dances- dances allow you to listen to music, eat, enjoy your friends, dance, and have fun!.  No student on the student discipline list can purchase a ticket for the dance.  At the conclusion of the dance, parents must enter the dance facility and pick up their students. Students picked up 15 minutes after the set ending time will not be allowed to attend the next dance. 

Student Government- Our Student Government and the elected LEADERSHIP TEAM of officers help plan activities, projects, and service. You must meet grade and behavior requirements in order to participate. 

Clubs and After School Activities- Various clubs and activities are offered. (Check the Student Activity board for information) 

Honor Cards- Almost every day there is something going on at lunch. You may play games spend time with your friends, or participate in a special competition or activity.

Spirit Days and Contests- Everybody likes prizes and fun, and you will have lots of chances to participate in contests and show school spirit all year long.